Christmas & New Year Opening Hours

Thursday 24th Dec, 2020
Friday 25th Dec, 2020
Saturday 26th Dec, 2020
Monday 28th Dec, 2020
9am – 6pm
Tuesday 29th Dec, 2020
9am – 6pm
Wednesday 30th Dec, 2020
Thursday 31st Dec, 2020
Friday 1st Jan, 2021
Saturday 2nd Jan, 2021
Monday 4th Jan, 2021
9am – 8pm

Practice Charter

In Mungret Medical Centre we believe that all patients have the right to expect that the health care they receive will consider their needs and will encourage them to take part in decisions about their health and wellbeing and provide them with the information and support to do so.

In this practice you can expect that:

  • You will be treated as an individual and with dignity and respect.
  • All patients will be treated equally. We do not discriminate on the grounds of gender, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion, political beliefs or age.
  • Our premises will be clean and comfortable and have facilities for the disabled.
  • Staff hygiene awareness and hand washing is a priority.
  • All patients will be greeted in a friendly manner and be treated with courtesy by everyone in the practice.
  • Your personal health information will be kept secure and confidential.
  • If you feel you have been treated unfairly or a member of staff has been rude then there is a complaint procedure that you can discuss with another member of staff, or an online feedback form can be filled out.
  • Patients will be informed if delays are anticipated, when possible.
  • Patients will be offered advice about how to stay healthy and avoid illness.
  • Everyone working in the practice will have the appropriate skills and training for their job.
  • New patients registering with the practice will be offered a consultation in line with practice policy.
  • Patients will be referred to a consultant when the doctor feels this is necessary.
  • Following a referral, your GP can assist you in seeking a second opinion if required.

In order for us to give you the best service possible please:

  • Tell the practice receptionist if you change your name, address or phone number.
  • Be on time for all appointments.
  • Let the GP know if you think any information in your health records is incorrect.
  • If you want to have someone else present at an appointment, please let staff know. This could be a carer, family member, partner, friend, or another health care worker.
  • Tell the GP if you do not understand something or want or need more information. If you have any questions, ask.
  • Take personal responsibility for your own health.
  • Ask your GP for support to help you manage your condition and have a healthier lifestyle.
  • Take an active part in discussions and decisions about your health care and treatment.
  • Tell your GP if you are allergic to any medicines or if you have experienced any side effects after taking a particular medicine.
  • Make sure you understand how to take any medicines you have been prescribed
  • Let your GP know about any medicines you are already taking not prescribed by him/her, this includes herbal medicine or over the counter medicines as some may interfere with your medication particularly if you are taking Warfarin.
  • Finish any course of agreed treatment. If you decide to change or stop your treatment, discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist first.
  • If you feel your condition has got worse, let your GP know.
  • Make sure to get the results of any tests or procedures

It also the policy of the practice that individuals involved in the practice; patients, relatives of patients, doctors, nurses, administrators, and other similar persons are treated with respect and due consideration.

Mungret Medical Centre has a duty of care to the staff of the practice. Therefore verbal, non-verbal, implied or conducted acts of aggression, damage, and/or similar events, have a zero-tolerance policy and will result in the involved patients and/or relevant relatives etc. being removed immediately from the practice’s list. Mungret Medical Centre will review and action such cases as needed.